Category Archives: Parrotfish

Tricolor Parrotfish ( Scarus tricolor )

scarus tricolor

A Tricolor Parrotfish speared in Dumanjug, Cebu

Common Name:    Parrotfish,

Local Names   Loro (Tagalog); Mol-Mol (Cebuano)

Max Size:  26 cm (2.2 kgs)

Biodiversity:  Marine, Reef-Associated,

Depth:  2 – 25 m

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

Minimum Size Limit none

Recommended Bait/Lures:  ??

IUCN Red List Status Least Concern (LC)

Parrotfish are abundant throughout the Philippine Islands and are associated with the beautiful and plentiful reefs of the tropical waters here.  This particular species has a darker body compared  to many of the other species. Other notable features are the fish’s elongated snout, parrot-like teeth, flame red tail, and large scales.  This species grows to a good size of 1-2 kgs however like most parrotfish species they are difficult to catch because of their unique diet and coral crunching teeth.  These fish are often the target of spear fishermen because of their abundance, large size and delicious flesh.