Ruby Snapper ( Etelis coruscans )

deep water snapper

Banjie’s Huge Snapper

Common Name:   Flame Snapper, Longtail Snapper, Longtailed Deepwater Snapper

Local Name  Maya-maya, Tikwi (Tagalog);  Sagisihon (Cebuano)

Max Size:  120 cm

Biodiversity: Marine, Reef Associated, Deep-Water

Depth:  90 – 400 m

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

Minimum Size LimitNone

Recommended Bait/Lures:  Fish, Squid

IUCN Red List Status:  Not Evaluated (NE)

The Ruby Snapper is one the prized fish found in deep water around the country.  These fish can be difficult to catch mainly because of the great depths at which they are found.  Anglers fishing for Ruby Snapper and other deepwater species often use electric reels to aid in the retreival of line.  Dropping a heavy weight down over 200m takes a long time to reel in and is tiring even when there is no fish on the other end.  Braided line is a must when fishing in deep water, called Deep Dropping.

The 27kg monster pictured above was caught very deep with a special winch reel.  They used a whole squid as bait and it took quite a while to bring the monster in.

Posted on November 17, 2014, in Jobfish (Maya Maya), Snapper (Maya Maya). Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. also called ‘sagisi’ in tagalog. looks like a giant bisugo with reddish or reddish-brown coloration. delicious cooked ‘sinigang’ style or fried in slices. not to be confused with a similar fish but with snout a bit pointed, called ‘lambiay’.

  2. 1,312.33 feet WoW! Ang lalim naman.wala nabang Isda Sa mga 100-150′?

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