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Starry Triggerfish ( Abalistes stellatus )

starry triggerfish

Common Name: Triggerfish

Local Name: Papakol, Pakoy (Tagalog); Pugot, Tikos, Pakol (Bisaya)

Max Size: 60 cm

Biodiversity: Marine, Reef-Associated

Depth: 40 – 100 meters

Fishing Season: All Year Long

Minimum Size Limit: None

Recommended Bait/Lures: Shrimp, crabs, other small crustaceans, sand worms

IUCN Red List Status Status: Not Evaluated (NE)

The Starry Triggerfish is yet another beautifully patterned triggerfish species found around the Philippines.  This species is common around sandy and muddy bottoms along the coast as well as around reefs.  These fish like other species of trigger fish make a good meal once you peal away their thick skin.  The beautiful pattern on this species also makes it appealing as an aquarium fish.

This fish pictured above was caught by Steve while jigging around Cebu City.

Black Surgeonfish ( Acanthurus gahhm )


This is one of the many species of surgeonfish present in Philippine waters.  These fish have small mouths and are quite difficult to catch.  This fish was caught in Cebu on some boiled Saba (cooking banana) as bait.  In Tagalog this fish is called Labahita.